ADD Treatment
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What is ADHD?
Attention Deficit Disorder is a neurobiological condition whereby Neurochemical and/or neuroelectric messages are not being sent and/or received efficiently or effectively by the brain.
Without treatment for ADD or ADHS the condition affects different areas of the brain that control executive functions and result in, inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity, inconsistency, disorganization, memory problems, as well as a host of other related issues.
Treatment For A.D.D.
While ADD is a disorder that is present at birth, it may take years to diagnose. ADD is a spectrum disorder in which the symptoms range in intensity and frequency, but they are not always consistent.
When school begins, children with ADD or ADHD not only struggle with their parents and their peers, but have to deal with a new part of life, conforming to the structure and demands of their structured school environment.
Without A.D.D. treatmen, they are faced with sitting still for long periods of time, being asked to absorb lots of information that is irrelevant to their lives, and they’re forced to meet the needs of adults who determine their ultimate fate, such as, will they pass or fail?
Many adults with ADD have been able to get through each day by compensating for their shortcomings, but often only up to a certain point. The pressures of life make some days feel like their world is crumbling around them. Some adults are unable to hold a job, keep their marriage together, pay their bills, or simply function with the demands made on individuals— in today’s society
A.D.D. and Coaching
Those individuals diagnosed with the disorder live with parents, spouses, or friends who need to understand the “why and how” of ADD, and need to actively participate in what is often referred to as a “coaching process”, whereby A.D.D. coaches and parents (spouses, etc.) often play a key roll in creating a safe haven for the patient.
A coach can work with the parents of a child with A.D.D. child, or the spouse of a patient suffering with adult A.D.D., to help with lifestyle modifications— which can be difficult and may require long term commitment by both parties.